The award-winning Central Otago boutique winemaker Waitiri Creek are excited to announce Tony Mitchell as their brand ambassador.
“I have always been a passionate promoter of New Zealand wine. For many years when living in the United Kingdom, I was part of wine clubs pushing New Zealand made wine in the ’80s and ’90s,” says Tony Mitchell.
Tony is long-time friends with Alistair Ward, owner and founder at Waitiri Creek, from flatting together in Auckland after University. “I have been an interested party to the development of Waitiri Creek, the venue, the church onsite and the trials and tribulations of being a winemaker for many years,” comments Tony.
Tony Mitchell has a strong affinity for the Central Otago region, having spent many of his younger years growing up in Central Otago. His father and his parents were also born in the area. “I started skiing at Coronet Peak when I was seven, worked in numerous orchards through high school then bar work in Queenstown whilst at university,” says Tony.
Tony has always been involved with Waitiri Creek in one way or another. “The Harriet Rose is named after an old girlfriend’s daughter, so I was never far from the action,” adds Tony.
Tony is a true wine lover and connoisseur, “I find it such a great drink in many situations, such as Harriet Rosé at the height of summer; for me, it’s my go-to drink,” says Tony.
Tony believes that it’s Waitiri Creeks ability to develop such a strong portfolio of wines across a number of varietals that makes them stand out from the rest. “Brilliant Rosé, great Chardonnay and Pinot Gris, finished with a stunning Pinot. Drunk a Waititi Creek 2014 Pinot Noir last night, and it was exceptional,” says Tony.
With many to choose from, Tony says that the Waitiri Creek Pinot Gris is his favourite, with the 2015 Chardonnay also being a highlight.
For people who have never had a Waitiri Creek wine before, Tony recommends the Pinot Gris for those who prefer white wine and the Pinot Noir for those who prefer red wine.
For those looking to get into wine, Tony says drinking the stuff is the starting point. “Find out what you like, then research the vineyard, the area it grows in and similar wines in the area,” advises Tony.
About Waitiri Creek: From deep in the Gibbston Valley, Waitiri Creek is a boutique Kiwi winery that is producing world-class and award-winning wines. Waitiri Creek wines have a great selection of wines that are available to purchase through select specialty wine retailers and through their website. Pick up a case or two here: https://www.waitiricreekwines.co.nz/shop-1